Xceed DataGrid for Silverlight Documentation
Visual States

Visual states define the appearance of an element when it is in a particular state. Each state is part of an orthogonal state group (see VisualStateGroup class), meaning that a control can be in more than one state as long as each state is part of a different group. 

Some state groups define alternate states, which are used when alternating row styles are applied. These alternate states, which are identified in the tables below, can be disabled by setting the grid's AreAlternateStatesEnabled property to false

Within each state group there is a "default" state that is used when a control is in its "most common" state. Default states, which are identified in the tables below, should not trigger Storyboards in order to avoid performance issues.

The following tables provide a list of all the visual states that can be used by a control template's VisualStateManager

Visual states and groups are inherited from base classes. All the bolded group names in the tables below are inherited by the derived classes.

Table 1: Visual states for the Cell and Cell-derived classes

Class Group State Description Default
Cell CommonStates Normal The default state.
MouseOver The state that is triggered when the mouse is over a cell.
Dragged The state that is triggered when a cell is dragged.
ColumnManagerCell CommonStates Pressed The state that is triggered when a column-manager cell is pressed.
Cell CurrentStates Current The state that is triggered when a cell is current.
NotCurrent The state that is triggered when a cell is not current.
InitializationStates Initialized The state that is triggered when a data row is initialized.
Uninitialized The state that is triggered when a data row is not initialized.
ColumnManagerCell ColumnVisibiltyStates Scrolling The state that is triggered when a column is scrolling (non-fixed).
Fixed The state that is triggered when a column is fixed.
ColumnManagerCell SortStates Ascending The state that is triggered when a column-manager cell displays the ascending sort glyph.
Descending The state that is triggered when a column-manager cell displays the descending sort glyph.
None The state that is triggered when a column-manager cell does not display a sort glyph.
FilterCell ReadOnlyStates Active The state that is triggered when a filter cell is not read only.
Inactive The state that is triggered when a filter cell is read only.
FilterStates NoFilter The state that is triggered when a filter cell doesn't have an active filter.
HasFilter The state that is triggered when a filter cell has an active filter. 
ColumnManagerCell FixedColumnToggleButtonVisibiltyStates FixedColumnToggleButtonHidden The state that is triggered when the fixed-column toggle button is hidden.
FixedColumnToggleButtonVisible The state that is triggered when the fixed-column toggle button is visible.
StatCell ResultStates IsEstimate The state that is triggered when the stat cell displays an estimated result.
IsDefinite The state that is triggered when the stat cell displays the definite result.
LocationStates GridHeader The state that is triggered when a stat cell is located in the header section of a grid.
GridFooter The state that is triggered when a stat cell is located in the footer section of a grid.
GroupHeader The state that is triggered when a stat cell is located in the header section of a group.
GroupFooter The state that is triggered when a stat cell is located in the footer section of a group.
EditableCell EditingStates NotBeingEdited The state that is triggered when a row is not being edited.
BeingEdited The state that is triggered when a row is being edited.
Committing The state that is triggered when a row's content is being committed.
ValidationStates ValidData The state that is triggered when a row contains valid data.
InvalidData The state that is triggered when a row contains invalid data. 


Table 2: Visual states for the Row and Row-derived classes

Class Group State Description Default
DataRow CommonStates Normal The default state.
Selected The state that is triggered when a row is selected.
MouseOver The state that is triggered when the mouse is over a row.
MouseOverSelected The state that is triggered when the mouse is over a selected row.
Alternate The state that is triggered when a data row is an alternate row.
AlternateMouseOver The state that is triggered when the mouse is over an alternate data row.
CurrentStates Current The state that is triggered when a row is current.
NotCurrent The state that is triggered when a row is not current.
InitializationStates Initialized The state that is triggered when a data row is initialized.
NotInitialized The state that is triggered when a data row not is initialized.
EditableRow EditingStates NotBeingEdited The state that is triggered when a row is not being edited.
BeingEdited The state that is triggered when a row is being edited.
Committing The state that is triggered when a row's content is being committed.
ValidationStates ValidData The state that is triggered when a row contains valid data.
InvalidData The state that is triggered when a row contains invalid data. 
InsertionRow WatermarkStates WatermarkVisible The state that is triggered when an insertion row's watermark is visible.
WatermarkHidden The state that is triggered when an insertion row's watermark is hidden.
StatRow LocationStates GridHeader The state that is triggered when a stat row is located in the header section of a grid.
GridFooter The state that is triggered when a stat row is located in the footer section of a grid.
GroupHeader The state that is triggered when a stat row is located in the header section of a group.
GroupFooter The state that is triggered when a stat row is located in the footer section of a group.


Table 3: Visual states for the DataGridControl class

Class Group State Description Default
DataGridControl RequestStates NoPendingRequests The state that is triggered when a grid has no pending requests.
RequestsPending The state that is triggered when a grid has pending requests.

Table 4: Visual states for the GroupByItem class

Class Group State Description Default
GroupByItem CommonStates Normal The default state.
Pressed The state that is triggered when a group-by item is pressed.
MouseOver The state that is triggered when the mouse is over a group-by item.
Dragged The state that is triggered when a group-by item is dragged.
RemoveButtonVisibilityStates RemoveButtonHidden The state that is triggered when the remove button is hidden.
RemoveButtonVisible The state that is triggered when the remove button is visible.

Table 5: Visual states for the NotificationControl class

Class Group State Description Default
NotificationControl VisibilityStates Visible The state that is triggered when a notification control is visible.
Hidden The state that is triggered when a notification controls is hidden.


Table 6: Visual states for the WatermarkTextBox class

Class Group State Description Default
WatermarkTextBox WatermarkStates WatermarkVisible The state that is triggered when a watermark text box's watermark is visible.
WatermarkHidden The state that is triggered when a watermark text box's watermark is hidden.


Table 7: Visual states for the CommittingIndicator class

Class Group State Description Default
CommittingIndicator CommitStates NoPendingCommit The state that is triggered when there are no pending commit operations.
CommitPending The state that is triggered when there are pending commit operations.


Table 8: Visual states for the LoadingIndicator class

Class Group State Description Default
LoadingIndicator RequestStates NoPendingRequests The state that is triggered when there are no pending requests.
RequestsPending The state that is triggered when there are pending requests.


Table 9: Visual states for the ColumnBackgroundControl class

Class Group State Description Default
ColumnBackgroundControl ColumnVisibilityStates Scrolling The state that is triggered when a column background control is scrolling (non-fixed).
Fixed The state that is triggered when a column background control is fixed.
CurrentStates Current The state that is triggered when a column background control is current.
NotCurrent The state that is triggered when a column background control is not current.

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